Coaches > GPA Info and Calculation


Academic Decathlon teams are made up of three Honor students, three Scholastic students, and three Varsity students in accordance with the following grade point average definitions:

Honor: 3.80 – 4.00 GPA

Scholastic: 3.20 – 3.799 GPA

Varsity: 0.00 – 3.199 GPA

Contestants may compete in a higher division than their own grade point average category but not in a lower division.

Additional information is available at the Eligibility Guidelines page.

Please refer to the following documents when calculating GPAs for the Academic Decathlon.

2023–2024 Acceptable Courses for GPA Calculation (PDF)

2023–2024 GPA Calculation Instructions (PDF)

2023–2024 GPA Calculation Training (PDF)

2023–2024 GPA Calculation Worksheet (Excel)

2023–2024 GPA Calculation Worksheet Sample- 11th Grade (Excel)